My son

Created by Fran 7 years ago
I have been a fan since I was a teenager. I am only one year younger then George ...and George has made so many wonderful memories in my young adulthood. I have a son who reminds me of George a little...he is handsome like George and loves music and plays guitar. He is very shy though and has had trouble in school. I hope George can look out for him from Heaven like so many and I hope my son can be like George some day. He kind of looks like him! with the sexy eyes and beautiful hair and face. I hope George is resting in peace and having as much joy and pleasure now as he has given his fans. There is no one like George now and never will be. Thank you for sharing your gift. Your music and wonderful soul will live forever in my heart for the rest of my life. Thank you. I wish I could make a donation but I cannot. I can only keep your music alive by what I have already and will hopefully be able to purchase in the future.